- 3 bubble blisters
- 1 deep cardbox cut on my pinky *to make things worst...it's on the tip -_-*
- Developed allergies towards dressings on my largest blister: Papa blister
- The allergy seems to spread now
- Getting more itchy spot on my body (made me bought anti-histamine tablets today-still itchy)
- Went to a doctor to get my blister checked and was told to do a SKIN GRAFT....WTH...
- However, I got a secong opinion and the doc told me it's not necessary to get a skin graft at this stage!
- Got a blocked right ear (happened last night where i try to clear out the water in my ear I must have pushed in the wax and hence, I am currently half deaf!)
- Urgh...paying medical bills like paying rental
What have I done wrong?!?! What's which all the complications...one leads to another>.< *scratch scratch.....itchy itchy*
I suppose it's best that I resort to sleep now! Need to have a clear mind for experiments tomorrow.....Hope for the best! *anti-histamine...please please reduce my itchyness and redness........please!! Oh god....*