Wednesday, July 8, 2009

The "skin bubble family"

Sigh....3 bubbles in 3 days. What "bubblish" days, 3 bubbles in 3 days on 2 different occasion. 1st bubble was obtain on monday night. 2nd and 3rd was a "free gift" from cooking cannelloni stuffed with ricotta and spinach -_-

So, in total I have a happy family of 3 bubbles--papa, mama and baby bubble.

Papa Bubble (on left calf): is overly obese and would sometimes loves to ooze out liquid after a hot shower.

Mama Bubble (on right 3rd knuckle): is medium in size.
Baby Bubble (on left 3rs knuckle): is small in size.

1 comment:

xoxo * vy said...

hior..u arh.
Must be careful oways mar, I know you missed me.