Saturday, March 19, 2011

Egg in a Basket

I was just having some spare time to browse through some blogs that I follow and a recipe caught my eye

Looks kinda difficult but it's definitely NOT! I saw this from cloverbeautyinn. I looks so yummy and I had to send it to Mr.CK. 

So, this morning we decided to try and make it. Mr.CK did 90% of the job ^^ See, guys can do a good job ^^
cloverbeautyinn have a pictorial guide to make this but I will do mine too. It will be shown below, if you want a more detailed one, go to cloverbeautyinn ^^

First, cut the bread with a cookie cutter, but we just use a wine glass to cut. I don't suppose it matters as long as it's round
Then, generously place some butter on top.
Place the buttered side down on to a pan (flat) and crack an egg in the hole. Add some more butter on the topside of the bread. When it's almost done, flip it! 
Cook for a few seconds and place it onto a plate (Just because we all love to eat half cooked egg....the runny yolk^^) If you want a cooked egg, then cook it for longer ~1 minute.
Then, serve with you other sides for a full breakfast! Our's continental version ^^
Hope that you guys will try it and enjoy ^^

Tuesday, March 1, 2011


Sigh.......I think I lost my canon charger!! BUGGER THAT!!!!

I have to procrastinate! ISH ISH...... >.<

Hopefully, my $10.00 purchase will come soon ^^

I have been doing my nails alot now....this week I am having little dotted flowers. SADLY, with a flat battery on my camera and nothing to charge..I can't take any and load any >.<

Ah well........*pray pray....fingers cross* come soon come soon come soon!!
